New additions to AXENÉO7's team

It is with great pleasure that AXENÉO7 artist-run centre announces the arrival of three new people to its team following the departure on maternity leave of Léa A. Gendreau, who occupies the position of Communications and Publications coordinator.
Since joining the team, Léa A. Gendreau has actively participated in the development and outreach of the centre and has helped grow the community and local partnerships. On behalf of the entire team and community, AXENÉO7 wishes her a good maternity leave.
Consequently, AXENÉO7 welcomes Lucile Godet to the position of interim communications and publications coordinator. Born in France and established in Quebec, Lucile stands out for the versatility of her experiences, both in the arts and culture as well as the community field.
AXENÉO7 would like to thank M.A. Marleau and the centre’s team for taking over the post, as well as Emmanuel Galland, who provided advisory support throughout the past year.
AXENÉO7 also welcomes Florence Simard and Olivia Thiland through the Canada Summer Jobs program. They join the centre's team as digital information processing and mediation assistant as well as promotional activities and mediation development assistant.
Lucile Godet lives and works between Gatineau and Ottawa for almost six years. Originally from Nantes in France, her involvement in the cultural milieu of Hull began during her exchange year at the master's degree in museology at UQO (2016). She holds a master's degree in Arts and Culture Management (Paris 1 - Panthéon Sorbonne). Curious by nature, Lucile is a jack of all trades. In her professional career, she has notably had the opportunity to work in the conservation and logistics of exhibitions, the promotion of the pan-Canadian Francophonie, and on the principles of governance of community organizations. Lucile is also a certified yoga teacher. On a personal level, she is daily committed to inclusion, diversity and equity for all.
Florence Simard lives and is actively involved in the cultural community of the Ottawa-Gatineau region, from where she is born. She has just finished a bachelor's degree in Arts and Design, visual arts concentration at the Université du Québec en Outaouais. Through her artistic practice, she imagines and works on reality with interest in what brews in the margin and swarms on the periphery of the order. The performative, furtive, poetic interventions, which invest and reactivate daily life, especially attract her attention.
Olivia Thiland is an emerging artist who lives and works in Gatineau. She holds a bachelor's degree in visual arts from the Université du Québec en Outaouais (2018). Through a multidisciplinary artistic approach, she addresses the question of the animal as a commodity or as being aestheticized. By studying the modern relationships of human and non-human animals, she makes visible the processes of aestheticization and deformation of the non-human animal for food, commerce or recreation. The reorganization and alteration of the animal's natural living space is also a central point of her research.