L'image montre une personne en haut noir et rouge, tenant un objet métallique circulaire et regardant vers l'objectif. En arrière-plan, un fond nuageux bleu et blanc avec l'inscription "YES GIRL!" en lettres noires. L'image est répétée trois fois côte à côte, créant un effet de motif répétitif.

Nastassia Takvorian, Yes girl!, 2024.

Yes girl!

Nastassia Takvorian


Yes girl! is presented as part of the centre's Summer Opening Party, in conjunction with the opening of the exhibition Atlas de nostalgie.

Summer Opening Party: 6pm - midnight

Dj set: Rodrigo Medrano / Dj Parfois

Free admission
Food: Chloé Berlanga — Upon donation
Bar on donation
Free parking

I've always wanted to become a popstar, but I've never really been good at playing music. Fortunately with contemporary art, it is possible to turn an incompetence into a competence, while claiming that "it's art", as a justification for our egotrip.

Yes girl! is a performance that allows me to be a singer and a musician just for a moment.

This is the story of a woman who says yes to everything. For the first time in her life, she is aware of being privileged in society, and that she has to live her dreams because she can. But what are her dreams?

In an imaginary world with icy-red ramparts, desires intertwine with absurdity to bite a fiction that is more sincere than reality.

— Nastassia Takvorian

The Yes girl! performance is part of a cross-residency partnership between the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (CALQ) and Lieu Unique (Nantes, France).

Name: Takvorian
First name: Nastassia
Age: 31 years old
Eyes colour: Green
Height: 167cm
Favourite dish: Eels with parsley sauce
Favourite word: at the moment: "miasma"
Favourite season: Summer
Favourite animal: Cat
Favourite transportation: Sailboat
Favourite song at the moment: Crocodile by No unauthorized
A movie that you're currently digging: Maelström by Denis Villeneuve
A book that you're currently digging: Can One Lead a Good Life in a Bad Life? by Judith Butler
Favourite current quote: "If you give a hungry man a fish, you feed him for a day, but if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime." Lao Tsu
Advice for a teenager: In order to understand someone else and feel at ease with them, you have to tell yourself that they didn't choose to be on earth, and that they do everything they can to find a reason to stay alive. The moment you understand the story that they made inside their head to stay alive, it becomes easier to understand them.
If you had a magic power: I would heal people's pain.
Favorite joke: When someone pokes your shoulder pretending it's not them.
What you like to create the most: Irony passed off as if you mean it.
