Jeu à somme nulle / Zero-sum-game
Pierre-Luc Clément
- Performance
Participants / Players:
Gaétan Hart: Former boxer (Gatineau)
Gladys Lazer: Boiled Records, Ex-drummer for Yonatan Gat (New York)
Based in Hull, Pierre-Luc Clément is a multi-instrumentalist, self-taught developer and videographer and founding member of FET.NAT. He has been actively involved in the community as well as artistic scene of the Outaouais region for many years. In 2007, he became passionate about the application of music to the image and for the movement brought to the interest of the theatre and dance. He collected several awards and recognition working as a sound designer, videographer or puppeteer with several stage directors and choreographers. He has also worked as a percussionist for some of the most prestigious contemporary dance institutions in the country.