
Salon #4

Kama La Mackerel, Karina Pawlikowski, Maude Veilleux


Presented in partnership with the Maison des arts littéraires de la Ville de Gatineau, Salon #4 will take place from 6pm to 11pm, in the AXENÉO7 galleries. Entrance is through the center's main door, at 80, rue Hanson. Food and beverages will be served.

Free entrance
Free parking
Limited seating

Following the success of the Salons on its fortieth anniversary, AXENÉO7 returns with a fourth iteration in collaboration with the Maison des arts littéraires de la ville de Gatineau, on the theme of Transformations.


Works of art refuse to stay put, they move, rise and fall along skins, moulting like snakes only to be reborn under new auspices: in new mediums, new languages or hybrid, unclassifiable forms.

From text to podcast to drawing to installation to artificial intelligence to theater, transformation is a veritable art in itself, a neverending story that fascinates us in artists who refuse to put an end to their fluctuating, troubled creation. An evening of artistic and feminine transformations awaits you in Salon #4, featuring artists Kama La Mackerel, Karina Pawlikowski and Maude Veilleux, at the invitation of AXENÉO7 and the Maison des arts littéraires.

Key events in AXENÉO7's thirtieth and fortieth anniversary program, the Salons are veritable artistic banquets, bringing together guest artists with the center's community over dinner. The Salons are the perfect place to exchange ideas on a theme, to present research, performances or reflections, and to do so in a convivial atmosphere.


Kama La Mackerel

Kama La Mackerel is a Mauritian-born multilingual writer, visual artist, performer, educator and literary translator who believes in love, justice and individual and collective emancipation. Her practice blurs the boundaries of traditional artistic practices to create aesthetic spaces from which decolonial and queer/trans vocabularies can emerge. With an acute engagement with oceanic narratives, island sovereignty, transgender poetics and the queer/trans spiritual past, her body of work challenges colonial notions of space-time in relation to history, power, language, the body and subject formation.

Karina Pawlikowski

Karina Pawlikowski is an artist and writer with a background in the visual arts. Since 2015, her practice has taken shape through the materials of writing, voice, drawing and everyday life. Her work is supported, exhibited and disseminated by various Quebec, Canadian and international institutions. Pawlikowski's research questions the norms that frame emotional and relational life. His works are imbued with references to the intimate, to domestic space and to the living who inhabit it.

Maude Veilleux

Maude Veilleux is a writer and interdisciplinary artist from the Beauce region. She is developing a practice at the frontiers of writing, digital literature and performativity. She writes collections of poetry and novels. Over the years, her work has been presented at institutions and festivals in Canada, Europe and West Africa. More recently, Le Marchand de feuilles published an anthology of her poetic texts.
