
Lina Choi

Artist in Residency


Lina Choi's residency is realized in partnership with the DAÏMÔN production center.

I have kept wondering as to how underwater sounds can be heard in a spatial way, so that the sound coming from every direction makes listeners feel as if they are surrounded by water, inside of water or floating on water. During the residency, I wish to explore 3-dimensional surround sound. The project starts with field recordings of wintery water sounds along the Ottawa River, Gatineau River, and Ruisseau de la Brasserie. It also includes some experiments in creating an immersive soundscape that I can show with a performance.

— Lina Choi, 2024


Lina Choi is a Montreal-based artist who majored in sculpture at the Royal College of Art in London, UK. In her current artistic research, she explores different bodies of water, focusing on various aural imagery. She seeks immersive and meditative sound projects that encourage audiences to interact with her work through performance, installation, and audio composition. She participated in artist residencies at Centre DAÏMÔN (Gatineau) in 2024 and Est-Nord-Est (Saint-Jean-Port-Joli) in 2023. Her sound project, Under the Waves, was presented at DARE-DARE (Montreal) and at Sporobole (Sherbrooke) through the PIVOT program curated by the Canadian League of Composers in 2023. In 2022, she presented her sound performances at OBORO and RIPA (Montreal), and her sound installation was exhibited for Poste Audio at Centre Clark (Montreal).
