Le déplacement
Manoushka Larouche
- Exhibition
Project resulting from the program Autorésidences.
Autorésidences is a remote residency program created by the AXENÉO7 artist-run centre in the exceptional context of the COVID-19 pandemic to continue to support research and development of current art practices.
Le déplacement consists of a box containing a set of printed archives documenting two iterations of the exhibition Double prise / Double take, curated by David Tomas and featuring the works of Emmanuelle Duret, Manoushka Larouche and Catherine Lescarbeau. The piece uses a duplication approach that was also at the origin of the initial exhibition. The photographic detail of the reworked exhibition documentation contained in the box reveals the existence of an interval or “in-between exhibition.”
A digital version of the artist’s project is also available online as part of the Autorésidences remote residency program. The contents of the archive box will soon be available for viewing at Artexte (Montreal).
Manoushka Larouche is a visual artist who lives in Tiohtià:ke / Montreal. She has a degree in photography and is completing a Master’s in Visual and Media Arts. Her practice is rooted in a conceptual and contextual approach to photography and publishing. Her more recent research has focused on issues related to the artist's existential conditions, prompting her to reflect on the idea of image and liminality. Her work has been presented at Galerie UQO (Gatineau), Circa art actuel (Montreal) and in alternative venues such as local E6-21 (Montreal) and will be shown soon at _____ 2272 panet street, Montréal, QC (CA), H2L 3A6 (Montreal).
The artist wants to thank Emmanuelle Duret and Catherine Lescarbeau for being receptive to this project proposal, which added a layer of reading to the group exhibition. She also thanks Casimir Perez for putting the project online.