Valérie Kolakis
Autorésidences is a remote residency program created by the AXENÉO7 artist-run centre in the exceptional context of the COVID-19 pandemic to continue to support research and development of current art practices.
Autorésidences is a remote residency program created by the AXENÉO7 artist-run centre in the exceptional context of the COVID-19 pandemic to continue to support research and development of current art practices.
Born in Athens (Greece), Valérie Kolakis works and lives in Montreal. Kolakis has exhibited widely in Canada, the United States, Europe and China. Her most recent exhibitions include Done with objects because things take place (Fold Gallery London), Art Rotterdam (Fold Gallery, London) Chara (Centre Diagonale, Montreal), The Duration of the Sharp Hard Outline of Things(Fold Gallery, London), and Living in a Material World (Centre Phi, Montreal). Her work was presented in The Quebec Triennial (Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal) and in 2013, she was shortlisted for the first Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec (Quebec) Contemporary Art Award.