Une illustration d'un ouvre-bouteille, ainsi qu'une canette et deux bouteilles. Le fond est jaune.

Maxime B. Huneault, AXENÉO[ ], 24/40, 26/40, 2023.

Salon #2

Les Salons

Special programming

The Salon #2 will take place from 6 to 8PM inside the center. Entrance is through the center's main door, at 80, Hanson St. Food and drinks will be served.

The event will be followed by the traditional the Filafêtes dance party, organized in collaboration with DAÏMÔN production center.

Free entrance
Free parking
Limited seating

For this second artistic dinner, the center invites névé dumas and Dalie Giroux to discuss the theme of Powers. ​​​​

The theme focuses on the terminology of Powers in the socio-economic and political sense. As artists and actors in the art scene, and as citizens of an ever-evolving world, what power do we have in the face of the world's giants, and how can the powers be shifted?

Salon #2 is also an opportunity for the two authors to launch their latest book.

To celebrate its 40th anniversary, AXENÉO7 is revisiting a key event from its thirtieth anniversary program (2013): the Salons. A veritable artistic banquet, the Salons bring guest artists together with the centre's community over dinner, for a participatory discussion on a specific subject, and to present research, performances and reflections, all in a convivial atmosphere. 

The Salons series consists of three events presented during each season of the 40th programming year, between La Filature's backyard and the center's exhibition spaces, depending on the weather. These dinners are free and open to all.


névé dumas

névé dumas is a white franco-queb poet, herbalist and community organizer. Living and working on the unceded and unsurrendered territories of the Algonquin Anishinaabeg her work focuses on trans experiences in relationship to the more-than-human, ecosexuality and thriving through a radically changing world. She has published four books of poems : au monde - inventaire (Éditions du Passage, 2015), finalist for the Émile Nelligan, Governor General and Felix Leclerc prizes, animalumière (Éditions du Lézard amoureux, 2016) finalist for Le prix des Libraires, pourritures terrestre (Oie de cravan, 2020) and most recently, poème dégénéré (Oie de cravan, 2023).

Dalie Giroux

Dalie Giroux is a professor and essayist. She has taught political theory at the University of Ottawa since 2003. Her recent publications with Mémoire d'encrier include L'oeil du maître. Figures de l'imaginaire colonial québécois (2020), and Une civilisation de feu (2023). She directs the "Terrains vagues" collection at Presses de l'Université de Montréal.
