L'image montre un vase en verre contenant des fleurs diverses, principalement blanches et roses, posé sur une table blanche. À côté du vase, il y a un verre de vin rouge. On peut lire l'inscription en jaune "Les 5 à 7 de l'été" sur l’image. L'ensemble de la scène donne une impression de simplicité et d'élégance, évoquant une ambiance estivale et détendue.

Summer happy hours

Summer programming

Seasonal programming

Presented as part of the center's summer programming and the Atlas de nostalgie exhibition, Summer happy hours will occur every Wednesday from 5pm to 7pm, from July 10 to August 14, 2024.

Free admission
Bar upon donation
Free parking

AXENÉO7 is adding a new activity to its regular opening hours this summer. On Wednesday evenings, in addition to being able to visit the Atlas de nostalgie exhibition, you'll be able to gather around an after-work drink, to the rhythm of a playlist curated for the occasion.

Cultural mediation offered on site.
