Programmation de novembre
Continuing its fall programming, AXENÉO7 welcomes and presents initiatives stemming from its surrounding communities: celebrations of cultural and disciplinary diversity. Throughout November, the centre will be hosting events, performances, exhibitions and publications, but above all, opportunities to be together.
On November 5, from 7pm to late, AXENÉO7: launch of the Actoral 24 Festival
Presented by the Théâtre du Trillium, AXENÉO7 is hosting the launch event for the Actoral Festival 2024. Emerging artists Émilie Camiré-Pecek, Zackari Gosselin and Marguerite Friend will present site-specific works created for the occasion.
Music: Dj ‘Beaux-Arts’
Free admission
Free parking
Bar upon donation
On November 7, at 7pm, La Nouvelle-Scène Gilles Desjardins: I CAN'T STOP LOOKING AT YOU - Daniel Burrow
In partnership with Le Trillium, AXENÉO7 presents as part of Actoral 24, the performance I CAN'T STOP LOOKING AT YOU by Daniel Burrow (autorésidences 2020) at the Nouvelle-Scène Gilles Desjardins (333 King Edward Ave, Ottawa). Please note that the performance will be conducted in the original English language.
For more information on the artist and more details on Actoral 24's programming, as well as to purchase a pass ($35) for the festival, visit the Thrillum website: click here.
From November 6 to 29 (opening on Wednesday November 20), Salon des membres of La Filature: Racines plurielles 2023-2024
Throughout November, AXENÉO7 invites you to discover two projects from the 2023-2024 edition of Racines Plurielles. These projects are the result of a collaboration between the Cégep de l'Outaouais, the Gatineau libraries and Culture pour tous, under the direction of artists Geneviève L. Richard and Alexandre Deschênes, with the participation of Andres Millan Duran, Alba Lines de Rondon, Ignacio Alfonso Jiminez Diaz, Jenty Fritznel, Mehri Khoshzad, Omar Guanarita Gomez, Randy Perez Serrano, Tamara Aboyewa Franca, Sona Davtyan, Vira Harbuz, Elza Stepanyan, Seo Changwon and Sara Guarana Parrado.
Discover the zine (project conceptualisation, direction, graphic design and art workshops: Geneviève L. Richard; poetry workshops: Alexandre Deschênes) and the video-poem (production: Alexandre Deschênes) on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from noon to 5pm and on Wednesdays from noon to 7pm. Join us on Wednesday 20 November from 5pm to 7pm to meet the artists and participants of the project. Free admission / Free parking / Bar on donation.
November 14 to 17, AXENÉO7 : (Formation Culture Outaouais) Performance art: engaging in an interdisciplinary and performative creative process with Sylvie Tourangeau
Culture Outaouais and AXENÉO7 invite you to register for the training course Performance art: engaging in an interdisciplinary and performative creative process with artist Sylvie Tourangeau. For more information and to register, click here. The deadline for registration is November 7. Hurry to register! Places are limited.
From November 28 to 30 (opening on Thursday, November 28), AXENÉO7 : Ottawa Design Club - #0007 Building Bridges
To launch their seventh issue - Building Bridges - the Ottawa Design Club, in collaboration with AXENÉO7, reveals the latest iteration of their periodical publication and presents a group exhibition of art and design.
We invite you to discover the new exhibition and pick up a copy of zine #0007 during the opening on November 28.
Fundraising event
Free parking
Bar upon donation