Nadège Grebmeier Forget
Autorésidences is a remote residency program created by the AXENÉO7 artist-run centre in the exceptional context of the COVID-19 pandemic to continue to support research and development of current art practices.
Autorésidences is a remote residency program created by the AXENÉO7 artist-run centre in the exceptional context of the COVID-19 pandemic to continue to support research and development of current art practices.
Circulating within both the visual and live arts communities as an interdisciplinary artist, project coordinator, creative consultant or artistic director, Nadège Grebmeier Forget has distinguished herself through the empowered and performative manipulation of her image. With multiple festivals, exhibitions, residencies, and conferences to her credit across Canada, the US, and Europe, she is better known for her durational, live, streamed, and private performances that question the labour of making and becoming; including the ways in which performance (of self or art) can be documented, shown, disseminated or exhibited. She is the first performance artist to receive the City of Montreal’s Prix Pierre-Ayot (2019), awarded in partnership with the Contemporary Art Galleries Association (AGAC). Autorésidences will serve as a playground to explore various ways of materializing her archive and the performative gestures that have led to up to her massive image production.
Her work was recently exhibited in Montreal in two group shows: Je ne veux pas que la vie se mette à avoir d'autres volontés que les miennes at Project Casa and, En bonne compagnie at Bradley Ertaskiran. Her latest performance Inside-Outside, Off & On was presented at the Darling Foundry as part of Place Publique last August. This fall, an interview detailing her point of view on live streaming in relation to performance art will be published in issue 206 of Vie des Arts magazine.
Born in 1985, the first daughter of a 1950's runner up California Beauty Queen, she lives and works in Tio'tia:ke / Mooniyang / Montreal.