
Quelque chose de la performativité

Karina Pawlikowski


Quelque chose de la performativité by Karina Pawlikowski is presented in the salle Jean-Pierre Latour.

Quelque chose de la performativité is a chapter that was initially published in the fall of 2020 as part of the research-creation MFA thesis De L’écriture et de la voix : le glissement d’une exposition at Université du Québec en Outaouais. This textual excerpt, which was modified and adapted for the event PERF (Ré)agir / (Re)act, revisits  the performance Crever ses eaux that was held on October 3, 2012 in the AXENÉO7 exhibition rooms. At the exact time, I was thirty-nine weeks and six days into my pregnancy.

Karina Pawlikowski is an artist and author with a visual arts background. Her work is supported, exhibited and disseminated by various institutions in Quebec, in Canada and abroad. Karina's research questions the norms that frame emotional and relational life. Her works are characterized by references to the intimate, domestic spaces and parenthood.
