Une performance mettant en scène une personne habillée en bleu accroupie par terre près d'une chaise, un vase bleu, un téléphone cellulaire et d'une feuille de papier imprimée. Des spectateur.ices sont assis.es autour.


Emma-Kate Guimond


Emma-Kate Guimond's performance GLASS is presented at La Filature.

Trying to get inside a feeling. As though in a room where I watch my movements parodied from the other side of a glass pane. This image is not mine but I am stealing it. It comes from a poem by another woman. Opacity dial — this one is mine. 

This performance, like many, involves my body doing a series of actions: weight and waiting.

Emma-Kate Guimond is formally trained in contemporary dance but her preferred medium is the slideshow.
Born in Edmonton and based in Montreal since 2005, she holds a BFA in contemporary dance from Concordia University (2012) and a MA in Visual and Media Arts from UQAM. She has presented performances at Visualeyez Festival in Edmonton (2013), Mountain Standard Time in Calgary (2014, 2018), FADO Emerging artist series in Toronto (2014), as well as RIPA in Montreal (2016), and Fonderie Darling (2020). From 2009-2017 she was co-director of WIVES collective, with whom she presented feeled (OFFTA, 2016) and ACTION MOVIE (Théâtre Lachapelle, 2017). Recent performances and exhibitions include ATTABLER (2ième porte à gauche, Agora de la danse, 2018), You (TOPO, 2019), Sequence of events (Arprim, 2019) and Charégraphie (Festival Furies, 2021). Presently, she is working with the inclusive theatre company Joe, Jack & John and Edon Descollines, as creative ally in preparation for Le Magazin Ferme, to be presented at le MAI in October, 2021.
