L'image montre une personne en chemise blanche jouant avec des objets suspendus, ressemblant à des cloches ou des sculptures sonores. Elle tient une baguette et frappe délicatement les objets pour produire des sons. En arrière-plan, une autre personne est visible, observant l'action avec intérêt.

Performance de Marie-Michelle Deschamps et Corinne René au Musée d'art de Joliette. Crédit photo : Etienne Morneau.

Corinne René

Artist in residency


This residency is part of the Espacements exhibition, with the aim of presenting a musical performance on November 25, 2023.

During her residency at AXENÉO7, Corinne René will imagine a musical journey through the sculptural-percussion pieces she created with Marie-Michelle Deschamps for her exhibition Espacements, halfway between written and improvised music.

Corinne René is a percussionist who has distinguished herself in a variety of artistic circles. Trained as a classical musician, she plays regularly with Quebec orchestras, principally the Orchestre Métropolitain. At the same time, her practice brings her closer to the worlds of improvisation, noise, movement and the visual arts. She works in collaboration with visual artist Marie-Michelle Deschamps, video artist Etienne Morneau, the groups Loos Pango, Ensemble SuperMusique, Buzz Cuivres and Toiture. She has taken part in advanced training courses at the Conservatoire Supérieur de Musique de Lyon, The Banff Centre for the Arts, the Centre Chorégraphique National de Rillieux-la-Pape, and Hotel Pupik in Austria.
